This work, which has become a classic in music theory since its original publication in 1983, models music understanding from the perspective of cognitive science.The point of departure is a search for the grammar of music with the aid of generative linguistics.The theory, which is illustrated with numerous examples from Western classical music, relates the aural surface of a piece to the musical structure unconsciously inferred by the experienced listener. From the viewpoint of traditional music theory, it offers many innovations in notation as well as in the substance of rhythmic and reductional theory.\r\rBy Fred Lerdahl, Ray S. Jackendoff\r\r※ 気になる部分があれば写真をアップしますので遠慮なくコメント下さい
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商品の状態: | 目立った傷や汚れなし |
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発送元の地域: | 大阪府 |
発送までの日数: | 2~3日で発送 |
A Generative Theory of Tonal Music (MIT Press) by Fred Lerdahl
PDF] Musical Structural Analysis Database Based on GTTM | Semantic
Tensor Analysis on Manifolds (Dover Books on Mathematics): Richard
1 Introduction: Music as language or language-like
A Generative Theory of Tonal Music, reissue, with a new preface
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- ベアベア1042
- 24歳
- アトピー
- クチコミ投稿 1件
ハリーポッター マジック・オブ・ミナリマ
マインドプロファイリング 苫米地英人